Good harvest run despite rain
COOKSVILLE – Up until this week’s rain event, growers had a pretty good harvest run.
Several fields are cleared out and the crops have dried down nicely, according to Doug Matlock who manages the Brandt Consolidated Cooksville location. On average, growers in the Cooksville area are pleasantly surprised with the results despite the amount of moisture we had this year.
“This year, we had 24 inches of rain. It seemed to come down a little more often and maybe cause some problems in those lower areas,” Matlock explains.
Soybean yields are down slightly from last year. Since the plants experienced a lot of growth this past season, they are laying down in the field causing a slower soybean harvest.
“Yields seem to be holding,” Matlock added.
The folks at Brandt are busy doing soil testing as crops come off to see what kind of fertilizer needs are out there. Dry fertilizer application has started in some locations.