Ridgeview FFA works well together

COLFAX – Teamwork is the key behind a successful FFA chapter and Ridgeview High School is the perfect example.
“I just like the environment,” said Ridgeview FFA President Katie Dowling. “It’s a family feel and anyone can be in it because it’s so diverse.”
Jacob Donaldson feels his role as vice president involves quite a bit of coordinating with the other officers. Donaldson finds plenty to do as he is involved with livestock judging and even plays on the school’s basketball team.
“It’s rough sometimes, but I get through it,” Donaldson admits.
Chapter reporter Kelly Jones can often be found taking pictures at the various FFA events, as she is responsible for the social aspect. Jones recalls a busy National FFA Week in February working with the elementary students on a coloring contest.
“You just do whatever is needed and whatever the president and vice president tell you to do,” Jones explained.
The 16th annual Ridgeview FFA Auction was held Saturday night with a pork chop meal held beforehand. Ag educator and FFA advisor Ariel Bunting was pleased with the support shown to the chapter over the weekend.
“Our farmers have been awesome and even our non-farmers come out and support what our kids do, so it’s awesome.”
According to Bunting, this has been a busy year for the chapter and things are going well. The livestock judging season is about to get underway.
Auctioneers on Saturday included Reed Thompson and Dan Grosshans. Others involved with the event were Ridgeview faculty and staff, alumni, FFA members, parents and members of surrounding communities. The auction featured items ranging from gift cards to sports tickets.
Star sponsors with a monetary donation of $100 or more included Bryan Sommer, Prairie Land Designs, Beitz Trucking, Gibson Area Hospital, Kennedy Farm Drainage, Arrowsmith Township, Byron and Peggy Jones, County Crop Insurance, Dirt on Dirt Michael Rigsby, Feese Insurance and One Earth Energy.
Sponsors donating under $100 were Anchor State Bank, Danny Heustis, Heartland Bank, Spencer’s Oil, Stephens Auto Glass, Mosiers, Cynthia Wade, Berkshire Hathaway Realty, Coiles and LeRoy Vet Clinic.
(2018 coverage of the area FFA events on The Central Illinois Farm Network is sponsored by: Brandt, Alliance Grain, First Farmers State Bank, Enbridge, Flanagan Propane, Kilgus Farmstead, Joan Bullard Realty, Crop Production Services, Martin-Sullivan John Deere, Bloomington Farm Management Service/Don Jacobs, Friends of Dan Brady and Friends of Tom Bennett)