Seed season is here

GRIDLEY – As growers put the finishing touches on equipment preparation, seed delivery season is in full swing.
Now is the time to double check that seed list, making sure product placement and planting populations are known before heading to the field. This is also a good time to prepare variable rate seeding scripts.
Seed supply is looking good this spring, says Kyle Wettstein, a field advisor with Brandt Consolidated.
“Obviously, there are some hot items that might be a little tough to find but if you need extra corn or end up switching some to beans, I’m not too concerned there as far as finding some of the good genetics we need,” Wettstein explained.
With the anticipated later spring, some farmers are wondering if they still need to use a seed treatment on soybeans. Wettstein is still a firm believer in treatment even as we move into May.
“Weather patterns and field conditions kind of dictate the necessity of that seed treatment just as much as the calendar date.”
For more information, contact Wettstein at 309-208-5303.