Ifft expands fabrication business

FAIRBURY – “I wish someone made that” is a common phrase uttered by farmers and one area business is there to help.
Brian Ifft operates Lakeside Custom Fabrication northwest of Fairbury and specializes in repair work for agricultural and industrial machinery. He also makes custom machines and parts for farmers and businesses.
“I do a lot of custom fabrication and design work,” Ifft explained.
It seems Ifft always has an ongoing project as he has been busy making machinery for a pallet shop recently. He has been in the business all of his life starting with his dad in the farm shop around 1977.
“It is all I’ve ever done so it’s stick with what you know I guess,” admits Ifft.
Word spreads quickly in a small farming community because if you do work for one person, he tells his neighbor and it spreads from there. Ifft has decided to take things to the next level by constructing a new building creating the perfect work space with better equipment.
The new facility, which Ifft opened last year, features mills, welders and any other equipment you may find in a shop. He considers it a work in progress.
“You just kind of evolve as you grow and expand,” Ifft said.
Ifft typically sees activity pick up during this time of the year as farmers seem to come out of hibernation deciding they need to fix what they broke last fall. Ifft is just the person to help with that.
Even though Ifft does not have a website at the moment, he invites anyone to stop in and visit.
“I’ve been too busy repairing stuff for guys.”
Lakeside Custom Fabrication is located at 11242 North 1800 East Road near Fairbury and can be reached at 815-848-8273.