Oct. is SCN action month

BASF Agricultural Solutions and The SCN Coalition are joining forces for the third consecutive SCN Action Month to raise awareness of the dangers that soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) pose this October.
This monthlong initiative educates growers on why and how to defend against this devastating pest that continues to be the leading cause of soybean yield loss in the United States.
SCN is present in most areas where soybeans are grown and continues to rapidly spread each year with an estimated annual yield loss potential of $1.5 billion. Last year during SCN Action Month, SCN was present in 77% of soil samples BASF received, up 4% from the previous year, and damaging levels of nematodes were found in half of the submitted samples received.
“Many growers aren’t aware of SCN or don’t believe it’s damaging their fields, and identifying it can be difficult as the cysts are about 10% the size of a soybean nodule,” said Nick Tinsley, BASF Technical Field Representative, Seed Treatments. “Testing your soil during the fall is key to this educational effort. When growers learn their SCN numbers, they can use that information to make a strong preventive management plan for the following year based on real data from their own field.”
There are four steps growers can take to manage SCN: test fields for nematodes, rotate crops, plant a resistant variety and consider a seed treatment. Fortunately, BASF has a seed treatment on the market that protects against both SCN and SDS, a well known problem that often is present with SCN. ILEVO® seed treatment is proven to protect against the unpredictability of nematodes, foliar and root rot phases of SDS in soybeans and helps produce strong stands and healthy roots, even in the absence of foliar SDS symptoms.
SCN protection starts at the very beginning by selecting the best seed variety for your field.