Route 66 Monarch Summit planned
Over the past 20 years, the eastern monarch population has faced a significant decline in migratory habitat.
The Illinois Monarch Project collaborates with USDA agencies (Farm Service Agency; Natural Resources Conservation Service and Fish & Wildlife), public and private partners, in addition to individuals across the state, to protect and enhance existing habitat and establish new habitat that supports monarch butterflies and other pollinators. In 1975 – Illinois adopted the Monarch as the state insect In 2014 – The White House established the Federal Pollinator Health Task Force and The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service was petitioned to protect the Monarch under the endangered Species Act
In 2015 – Illinois declared the Monarch the Species of Greatest Conservation Needed and the Midwest Association of Fish & Wildlife (MAFWA) began a 20 year plan for Monarch Conservation in Illinois
Have you noticed that the Illinois Department of Transportation has reduced mowing along roadways while monarchs are migrating through Illinois? That’s because the IDOT mowing schedule is timed to support pollinator habitat, specifically that of the monarch butterfly. It’s all part of a multiagency effort to encourage sustainable practices.
Do you live along or near the legendary Route 66? The historic highway also happens to line up perfectly with the monarch’s migratory path up and down our state! Consider joining our next event in the Illinois Monarch Virtual Summit where we will focus on establishing monarch habitat along the Route 66 Monarch Flyway and how we can protect this species.
Please join the Illinois Monarch Project on November 18 from 1:00-3:00 PM for the 2nd virtual Monarch Summit – Route 66 Corridor for Monarchs. Join November 18th from 1-3 PM: ******
The next three Monarch webinars will be held: January 19, 2021 @ 1 – 3 PM Engaging Monarch Ambassadors – February 17, 2021 @ 1 – 3 PM Spring into Action on the Ground –
May 4, 2021 @ 1 – 3 PM